As humans, touch is important to us - studies have shown that human touch is needed for our development. They have new moms being mindful for their babies to have skin on skin contact. And, it's important for the touch to be not necessarily planned, but intentional.
So, what does that have to do with touching Jesus? We cannot physically touch him - right? I believe the answer is wrong - we can touch Jesus - but as with human touch - that touch needs to be intentional.
We go through life bumping into people all the time at the grocery store, or trying to get through a busy hallway at work. I'm such a klutz that I can bump into someone even if we are the only two people in the room...lol. Bumping into others - don't really count as touching - touch is reaching out to show love or concern for another person -- it is something personal.
My question is, how many times have I just bumped into Jesus? We can go through our day -perhaps mindlessly pray (such as saying grace before our meal - it's automatic without much thought), Or pwe don't recognize a blessing we received; or even allowing the business of our life to simple take priority. I know I'm guilty of all of them at one time or another - and sometimes all three at once.
Encountering the Lord - it is intentional, it must be purposely done. Just as the women who reached out to touch Jesus' garment to stop her flow of blood. The crowd was bumping into Jesus - crowding him - none of them were healed, but the women - reached out with intention - she knew in her heart that she only needed to touch the hem of his garment to be healed - her touch was one of faith. Jesus stopped and asked who touched him - the disciples thought it was a crazy question given the crowd - but you see - they (the crowd) were not touching him they were just mindlessly going along bumping into him. Jesus' wanted the women to not only have physically healing, but spiritual too which is why he asked "who touched me."
Today my prayer is for you and me to be more mindful of opportunities to touch Jesus; And, I pray that we all may have a better understanding of the healing power of Jesus' touching us too.