Early Christians was scandalized by Jesus’ agony – they felt
since he was the Christ – there should not have been any issue. But we need to remember – yes he was divine,
but he was also fully human.
As I was praying and reflecting on Jesus’ agony – my husband
was listening to the radio and a song came on by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
“Woodstock” – I find it fascinating how God can speak to us.
When the song got to the lyrics of “and we’ve got to get
ourselves back to the Garden” it hit me – like a ton of bricks. That the Garden of Gethsemane is the new
Garden of Eden.
We all know the story of Eve and her fall from grace when
she ate from the “Tree of Life” because she believed what the serpent told
her. She followed her own will to be
equal to God – and not God’s will who told her she could eat of any of the
trees except the “Tree of Life.” Here in
Gethsemane we see Jesus (who is actually equal to God for he is God) struggle
with bringing his will in line with the Father’s will. Yes it was hard – agony – but he overcame his
human nature to do as the Father has asked of him.
So I asked the Lord, what does this all mean? What am I to
do with it? For one – it shows us that
it’s ok to ask God to take our struggles – but be prepared – the answer just
might be “no.” Jesus showed us that we
may have to work to bring our will into line with God – to let go of what we want and
follow what God wants. The Lord
understands our human nature is to protect ourselves – but Jesus has shown us
we can overcome that nature. We all have that moment in time when we are faced with a situation that goes against our will - something that it might be so easy to run from and hide - hoping it will just go away - but with Christ's example we know we can face anything and follow what the Lord is asking of us.
Holy Thursday is less than two weeks away – I can say with
all honesty – I will see Jesus’ agony in the garden with new light and a new
heart. I am still struggling to let go
of my will – it may take me a lifetime to do it. But with Jesus’ help and the graces he has
blessed me with – I am working to “get myself back to the garden.”
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