In the same token as my note, it’s also just as easy to
promise God all kinds of things when in a moment of distress. “If you will help me with (insert issue) I
promise Lord I will do (insert promise.)
I know I’ve done it many times over my lifetime. Sometimes I followed through, most times –
just like our New Year Resolutions they fall flat.
Living a Christ centered life is not always easy. Christ challenges us to dig deeper, love
stronger, and serve more. This can be especially
a challenge when we know others are watching us. We want to display a perfect
relationship with the Father, but in our humanist, we struggle. And trust me, I have struggled. In doing so, I have found it interesting when
the non-believer sees me failing and points it out “I thought you were so good,
and yet you do this.” My usual response
is, “I am human, I make mistakes, and if I didn’t that would mean I’m in
heaven. Jesus did not come for the saved
but for the sinner – which is all of us.”
I only had to say this a couple of times to my family before they
stopped pointing out each of my sins.
Their words did make me very aware that they were watching. Words and Actions
But all is not lost – we just need to remember Jesus’ two
commandments – to love the Father above all others and love our neighbor as ourselves. In that he never said we needed to be perfect,
he knows of our human nature – he is very aware of our failings. And that is why these two commandments are so
important. Loving the Father comes with
hope, for when we fall, we must get back up, brush off our knees and reaffirm our
love for the Lord and accept his love and mercy for us – even when we don’t feel
we deserve it. And in doing this we are
putting our words into action, by loving ourselves and our neighbors, for love cannot be kept to ourselves – it must
be shared with others.