I don’t know about you, but I am not a patient watcher. It drives me crazy when I know someone is coming, but they don’t tell me when exactly they would arrive, it makes me so restless (think the cable service person - you are told they will arrive anytime from noon-4.) I feel like I need to sit and wait for them, for I just know as soon as I run down stairs to put a load in the washer, they will show up and I will not hear them, they will leave and then I would have to reschedule and start all over.
But, I believe Jesus is telling us not to only wait on his arrival, but also to “watch” for him in everyone we meet. To open our eyes! Christ resides in each one of us - even in that “mean girl” we may have experienced in our childhood.
So, how do we “watch?” To start, we need to put our phones down, and actually talk with people - mind blowing concept, huh? Smile at the people you meet as you walk through the parking lot at the grocery store, hold a door open for someone entering right behind you, send a handwritten thank you note to someone who has done something special. I know these sound pretty basic - but you do not know what is happening in that person’s life on that particular day. Your small but important jester may make a change in their life - and in yours too! Jesus doesn’t ask us to be successful in all we do, but to be watchful and faithful. You may hold a door for someone who walks right through and don’t acknowledge your effort — that is simply ok, for you are being faithful.
In your efforts you may find that you see Christ in people who don’t even know he is in their hearts - when it happens to me, I like to pray for them.
Make it your mission this Advent season to “watch” for Jesus in everyone you meet.
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