While discussing with my Spiritual Director about Lent - we came up with something I believe that will be perfect for me. During Advent - I completed a Consecration to Merciful Love - so it would make sense that I now put my consecration into action by focusing on the Corporal Works of Mercy for Lent.
For those who are not sure of the Corporal Works of Mercy they are: Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Shelter the Homeless, Visit the Sick, Visit the Prisoner, Bury the Dead, and Give Alms to the Poor (I had to look them up too.)
My personality type is to map it all out - what I will do and when I will do it - so I began to plan out the weeks (I've decided to actually start the Sunday before Ash Wednesday so that I can have 7 full weeks plus Holy Week.) Then I began to write out some ideas - but I stopped myself - I really need to allow God to lead this - not my pencil. So, I do have some ideas - though I'm not planning a day by day schedule. This will be a challenge for me, I like to be in charge - but this is what Lent is about - learning to trust God each and everyday and follow His will and not my own.
Up first will be "Feed the Hungry" -- this will be interesting - I've found God already speaking to my heart. I will blog about my progress each week.
My prayer is that you too will be inspired to use this Lent as a time of growth -- allowing God to speak to you. Take this time before Lent begins for prayer and ask Him - what can you do to improve your relationship - where does He want you to go or do ? You just may be surprised by the answer.
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