The discussion last week at RCIA centered around what would it had been like for these men - Jesus must had been very convincing for them to abandon their work and families in such a way, and would we ourselves we able to do the same today. I have to admit, this really got me thinking about my own life and my own relationship with the Lord. Perhaps the disciples thought they were simply taking a break, and would listen to Jesus for a few hours and then return to their work, perhaps they did not know they were making a choice that would completely change their lives. This we will never know.
As I pondered my own response, I wondered if this is practice for our final calling; when death claims our bodies and we are asked to choose between being in God’s presence or not being with God for eternity. As humans we have grown attachments to this world; the things and people who surround us. And the thought of completely walking away from everyone and everything can be a little mind blowing. So the Lord asks us to make small but continual steps towards him. Turning the TV off to spend time in prayer, giving up some free time to volunteer somewhere where we can serve others, or making a choice to spend time in Adoration instead of lunch with friends; these are all examples of us “abandoning our nets”. Whenever we choose God first we are strengthening our relationship with Him, we are deeping our faith and we are setting examples for others around us to do the same. Just think, if we would all move our focus from the attachments of this world to the Father, all war would stop, hunger would not be known, all life would be respected. For we cannot focus on God without following His commandment to love Him, and love our neighbor.
I know this is a little deep for a Monday morning, blame it on the large amount of coffee I’ve consumed already today. But I believe this is a question we all should start our week with — “Where will I abandon my nets to follow Christ this week?”