It is suggested that since Mary, Jesus and Jesus' friends were invited to the wedding, that it most likely was for a relative. And running out of wine for a wedding feast that goes for a week long would be terribly embarrassing for the Bride and the Groom. Which is why Mary has taken notice of the lack of wine. Not wanting her relatives to be embarrassed, she takes charge of the situation.
She calls her son over and explains what is going on. Jesus makes a comment of why does this matter to me and it's not my hour. Mary, a mother who has full confidence in her son's ability to handle the situation, does not accept Jesus' reasons. I could almost see Mary roll her eyes (as mothers do sometimes when our children is trying to explain to us why they cannot do something we ask of them) and simple turns to the servants and tells them to do whatever Jesus says. And then here is the best part - she leaves Jesus to handle it.
I am sure this either frustrated Jesus or amused him - the Gospels do not tell us. We do know he was a dutiful son, who after being put on the spot, did his mother's bidding and handled the issue of the wine.
We don't know how Mary expected it to be handled, but she knew Jesus was resourceful enough to handle it and ensure that their relatives' wedding feast would continue without incident. Jesus does handle it - and asks the servants to fill 6 large watering jugs which had been previously filled with water and was used to wash the guests' feet. it is estimated that these jars each held 20 - 30 gallons. The servants do as Jesus asks and then without another word, he simply tells them to draw some out and take it to the head waiter. I'm sure they thought Jesus was crazy here - they had just filled these jugs with water and he wants them to take some to the head waiter? But they did do just as he said, and the head waiter was amazed - not only was it now wine, but better wine than what was first served. There are only a few witnesses to what has happened here - Jesus' friends, the servants and Mary. We are told that his disciples began to believe in him.
As mothers we can see what our children are capable of doing - whether they believe they can or not. And sometimes we need to do a little pushing to get them started. Mary has done the same here. She believed in Jesus and knew he could easily handle what needed to be done.
Sometimes don't we all need a pushy mother in our life?
When we feel we are being asked by the Father for something that may be a stretch to us, or we fear to do for whatever reason. We can come up with hundreds of reasons of why we should not do it - not the right time, I'm too busy at work, I don't have enough money...etc. But we need that mother who just listens to us and then puts us on the spot. Mary is that for us just as she was for Jesus. A mother who loves us, and who knows what we can do; she is fully aware of our gifts and abilities; and she know what we are capable of doing. And she turns to us and say "do whatever he says." There even may be a little eye rolling on her part when we protest. But as good, faithful children - we do as our mother has requested and do whatever her son has asked of us.
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