Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Give to Caesar

As you may know, the Bible will speak to us with the message we need receive at that time.  The last time I read this Gospel (Mark 12:13-17) I found I was thinking about how everything belongs to God and my thoughts then went to many things including the people he has put in my life and the lovely nature outside my window to name just a few.  I found my prayers were ones of thankfulness for the bounty the Father has placed before me without even realizing it.

Today, though – my thoughts go to how everyone on this earth belongs to God – the good, the bad and the ugly.  We are all made from his love.  And I as I shared a few weeks ago, I feel an urging to pray for all the people of this earth.  Not just the saintly, but for all of us.

I envision the Father as a grandparent who is anxiously waiting for us to come home.  Perhaps there is a great feast in the process (I know my great-grandmother would cook for days before we would arrive.)  He has set a light in the window to guide us and welcome us home.  But he also sends out the Holy Spirit to walk every step with us.  And as we arrive his arms are opened wide ready to embrace us and a great banquet is set out to celebrate our home coming.  Yes, we have all sinned and we have all failed him – but this should not hold us back from receiving his love, for just as great is his love, is the greatness of his Mercy too.

So today, I pray for those who evil has taken a hold of – they have believed the lies whispered in their ears.  They are being used to try to destroy them and anyone that comes in contact with them.  What evil does not seem to understand is that it can destroy this body, but it can not change or destroy my soul/spirit.  I was created from the love of the Father, and no matter what happens here on earth – that fact will never change.  

I pray for those who have turned their backs to God.  For just as the lost lamb, they have wondered off without realizing it, and then they find themselves are too far away to make their way home without help.  That is where our prayers come in, for them to realize the Holy Spirit is right beside them, urging them upon the path where they can be found.  They just need to reach out and receive.

I pray for those who have never experienced the Father’s love.  They are unaware of what joy and love await them.

And, I pray for all the souls of this world, those who came before us, those who walk upon it now and those yet to come.  I pray for God’s love – a love so great, so grand it is unfathomable – to rain down upon this earth, that his light will brighten even the darkest of corners.  And that we all, everyone of us, find the path that will lead us home to his love and welcoming embrace.

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